I am one of approximately 120 000 workers who cross the Luxembourgish border every day, from Monday to Friday. More precisely, I an one of the forty-odd thousand who cross from Belgium to Luxembourg and back, all to avoid the Belgian propensity of removing 50% of ones wage before it his the bank account. To put this into context, it's like the population of Norwich suddenly disappearing for eight hours (minimum) a day.
Apparently, 300 people go the other way to work... I haven't worked this out yet...
Now, Luxembourg has a small any very well maintained motorway network (unlike the rubbish the Belgian state seem to throw on the floor), which gets saturated every day of the working week with my fellow labourers, the thousands of wagons coming to fill up with cheap(er) diesel (fags and booze too...) and the pensioners who are probably paid by the state to drive in the second lane at 84 km/h and take two parking places on industrial sites with no shops. So as you can imagine it doesn’t always flow like the Danube after heavy rain.
I would like to point out at this point that I am probably the most boring driver ever. I stick to speed limits, use all the paraphernalia like indicators and lights, and generally render the passenger experience as soporific as hot cocoa and CNN on a wet Tuesday night.
Having lived in Leeds, West Yorkshire, and sitting in a major traffic jam, I know this is not a major issue, and largely replicated throughout Europe, but I was recently wondering if people’s behind-the-wheel behaviour is endemic, or if it is my notoriously bad memory painting pretty pictures.
So dear reader(s)… do you also experience:
1. Vehicles braking to overtake and then flooring it once they pull in?
2. BMW’s flashing their lights for you to get out of the way as you overtake a mile of wagons, while stuck behind half a mile of other cars?
3. “Exocet missiles” that go from slip road to outside lane, then outside lane to exit?
4. Ditherers, who pull out regardless of the vehicle beside them?
5. Brake testers, who’s only aim in life is to be in front of you, then slam on the brakes?
Please leave your own experiences, I’m curious :)
Ma question, c'est est-ce qu'il y a des tests à réussir avant le droit d'acheter un 4x4 ?
Parce que, visiblement, il y a un niveau de connerie minimum requis. Donc je me demandais si les concessionnaires font passer des questionnaires à leurs clients avant de leur vendre un tel engin, ou si c'est la possession du véhicule qui rend abruti. Un avis ?
Je vois que tu comprends l'anglais fieu!
Ouep, chuis d'accord pour les pseudo 4x4... Je vois le questionnaire...
"Votre femme est blonde?"
"elle téléphone dès qu'elle démarre?"
"Selon vous, les lignes blanches et panneaux s'appliquent uniquement aux autres?"
"mettez vous les feux de brouillard, peu importe le temps dehors?"
Répondez oui, et vous qualifiez :))
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