Honestly. I'm waiting for a major accident here. Never in my life have I seen so many people cluelessly using roundabouts. They are bloody dangerous. Over the last five years, I have nearly been knocked of my bike by women in Volvo's, been cut up by fat men in BMW's, seen young and old scream round the outside lanes of roundabouts with no regard for other road users. They drive like donkeys, and I get the impression they think they are in the right!
I assume therefore, nobody get's the basics taught to them during their driving lessons...
Well, Here is a little guide:
First, Turning right. Use the inside lane. Indicate in the direction you wish to turn. Give way to oncoming traffic.
Turning left or U-turn. Use the outside lane. Indicate in the direction you wish to turn. Give way to oncoming traffic.
Going straight ahead. Use either lane. Give way to oncoming traffic. DO NOT INDICATE until exiting the roundabout, where you indicate in the direction you will be taking.
To me it appears simple. Apparently this is not the case for everybody... Please forward this to everybody you know, especially if the are blonde with a Ford Fiesta...
Incidentally, for the alcoholics and hard of thinking, these roundabouts are mirrored in countries like Australia, The UK, Japan... where people drive on the left. Do not attempt to go anti-clockwise in these countries.
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